Wednesday, April 05, 2006

French Military Air Traffic Controller Claims a Link Between Nuclear Weapons Tests & UFO Sightings

A former French military air traffic controller claims in a recently published journal article that UFO sightings can be correlated with nuclear weapons testing. Eric Julien served in the French Air Force for five years as an air traffic controller and later went on to become a senior airport manager in France. He analyses data gained from a number of sources available in France that point to UFO activity in the vicinity of nuclear weapons tests. He claims that a clear correlation exists between the 2419 nuclear tests on Earth from 1945 through 1998, and 140 cases involving radar and visual sightings of UFOs. In the article, released in the April edition of the Exopolitics Journal, he also studies the correlation between alleged UFO crash/retrievals and nuclear testing.

(Via The Anomalist.)

This study is probably tainted by its association with "exopolitics," but I wouldn't doubt a connection between nuclear tests and UFO sightings.

If I'm right about indigenous technological aliens, they would likely view nuclear testing as a threat to their own existence and take fastidious reconnaissance measures. (And if they could compel humans to think they were observing ET spaceships -- perhaps via the gospel of selected "contactees" -- all the better.)

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