Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Here's an alternative perspective on the "ultraterrestrial" controversy:

Ultraterrestrials: Do they walk among us?

The speculation of the chimp, at best, is a crude idea about the total truth of an airplane, and the fact that it represents entire levels of consciousness that are so advanced, they are literally invisible to chimp mind. Now think of a human being who encounters a UFO. To us a UFO seems to be some kind of flying, mechanical aircraft -- but the true nature of the UFO may be as different from a spacecraft as a bird is from an airplane. Like the chimp, we just don't have the advanced levels of consciousness we need to comprehend the true nature of a UFO.

(Via PAG E-News.)

While I don't necessarily disagree with anything here, my own thesis differs in that the "ultras" are not vastly superior to us. Rather, I contend that they're surprisingly human, both in appearance and ability. I'm attracted to the idea that UFOs only seem incomprehensible to us because the ultras want to dazzle us with the red herring of extraterrestrial visitation.

In other words, we're being duped by a long-standing and quite capable misinformation campaign that capitalizes on our tendency to paint the sky with mythological prejudices.

(Perhaps the term "ultraterrestrial," with its Keelian implications, isn't the best term for my hypothetical beings. "Indigenous humanoids," while clumsy, is probably better.)

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm. I like "paraterrestrials," but it sounds too much like "parrot terrestrials." (Which would be fine if I were writing about bird-people!)
