Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm not sure I know what I'm looking at here. But I'm sure that somewhere, somebody -- quite possibly high on modeling glue fumes -- is fastidiously building one . . .

(Found at Aberrant News.)


  1. I think that what we are looking at here is a true breakthrough in art. Also, it would appear to be a true breakthrough in doll manufacturing. Barbie is dead - Long live Tentia!

  2. Holy crap that's hot. And, yes, I'm fully aware just how disturbing it is that I think so.

    Still ...

  3. While one of these days I may publicly proffer a collaborative piece of humorous tentacle fiction that was done a decade ago, those things you show are fucking creepy.

    FWIW, mugglenet gives a mention to "tentia" (the file name) as being derived from "tentare," which means "the handling of," "the making of an attempt," or "the attack on."

    Emperor, you have an interesting range of links. :)

  4. Emperor--

    Glad you could use it!
