Thursday, May 04, 2006

I love stuff like this . . .

Whisper[s] is a collaborative project involving artists (dance, sculpture, music), designers (of visuals, objects & textiles), computer scientists and hardware/ software engineers. We are developing technology and communications metaphors that enable networked wearable devices to communicate affective states in a continuous manner.

(Via Ollapodrida.)

From an evolutionary perspective, we may be on the cusp of transcending spoken language and graduating to a more intimate -- possibly even telepathic -- venue for everyday communication. To many, words are already beginning to verge on cumbersome, gradually usurped by animation, emoticons and avatars whose "personalities" can be made to rival their owners'.

Imagine a future you can feel. Spared the interface of text, interpersonal reality becomes an intensely sensual experience. How intense? Well, that depends on the peripherals . . .

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