Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Communicating with the Grays (Whitley Strieber)

In August, I will publish a work of fiction about the grays, which is intended to bring them to life as people, and to reveal what it is like to be with them. It is also my hope that the methods of communication that I demonstrate in the novel will prove useful to people who are in contact and having difficulty experiencing a rich and consistent relationship with them.

Some of the observations in Strieber's latest essay are tantalizingly in keeping with my "Indigenous Hypothesis," which asserts that the so-called "Grays" are members of a perfectly terrestrial civilization.

My new book, "The Cryptoterrestrials," may or may not be picked up by a bigger publisher (I should know within a couple weeks), but one thing's for sure: I'll read Strieber's upcoming novel with the utmost interest.

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