Sunday, June 04, 2006

Novamente aiming for human-level AI in six years

According to Novamente's project plan, with proper funding they will have human-level AI in six years. Their goal is to create a learning system that can ultimately be self-improving. By this year or next, they aim to have an autonomous intelligent infant interacting in a simulated world. By 2009 at the latest, they're aiming for the equivalent of a young child. By 2014, at the far end of the spectrum, they aim to have an AI that can reason abstractly and communicate in complex English. As early as 2010, they may have a "strongly self-modifying AI."


  1. Will they be able to program the AI for inspired lunacy?
    Will an AI ever be able to write a Monty Python skit?
    How could an AI understand surrealism, being completely real?

    And just how could an AI create the utter brilliance of a three stooges movie?
    My Ex never could see just what the stooges were all about, she said something about it being childish and not funny at all.

    Perhaps if they want to create an AI of higher order intelligence it should be a woman and not a man as in the photo.

  2. How could an AI understand surrealism, being completely real?

    Well, *we're* real, aren't we? (Still, an intriguing point.)

    I like the bit about the Stooges. I think that should take the place of the Turing Test -- the ability to laugh at Moe!

  3. WMB--

    I sort of placed this item as bait; I knew it would enrage you! :-) I don't buy their time-frame for a minute; it has too high a "hype factor" for my taste.
