Thursday, July 13, 2006

Global warming and the end of human freedom

Sure, there's no seemingly obvious reason for alarm or desperatism today -- but it's not implausible to suggest that quai-totalitarian frameworks will arise as a result of the calamitous effects of global warming. Once the environment truly goes to hell and it becomes overtly obvious that a catastrophe is actually happening, our respective governments will find ways to a) control its fearful populace, and b) compell its citizens to live and work a certain way. It would be George Orwell on hydraulic despotism.


  1. Righteousdude,

    Global warming naysayers are, typically, fuckwits. Usually with a political sentiment at stake.

    It's happening and we're causing (or massively exacerbating) it.

    It's scary as hell, but it's true.

  2. WMB--

    I kindda like Sentient Developments. Although Dvorsky's thoughts on ETI are so ideologically entrenched as to be laughable (e.g., SETI good, UFOs bad).
