Saturday, July 08, 2006

Here's the Victorian mansion (now a tourist site) across the street:

At one point in the house's history it functioned as a mental asylum; lobotomies were performed on the top floor.

I like turning my car around in the driveway, from which you can see lots of Gothic trimmings defying the surrounding suburban conformity.


  1. Hey Mac -

    What is the "name" of this place? Can you give me an approximate address? It looks like a great photojournalism study subject (architecture and history, and it would provide a great excuse to make a vacation trek to Missouri. I visited there once years ago (St. Louis, or more accurately, U.City) and really enjoyed myself. I like barbecue, too. :)

  2. Hi Kyle,

    It's the Vaile Mansion (it has a small website). The inside is the best part -- and it's open for tours.

    If you ever decide to visit Kansas City, let me know.

  3. Hey Mac -

    Thanks for the info. Anne "wants one"!!

    If we make it up there, We'll look you up!

