Monday, July 24, 2006

"Is it possible that we should prepare for other threats besides terrorists?"


  1. I was pretty impressed with Gore’s presentation. Not that he was really saying anything new. This information’s been in the public sphere for quite some time now. It was nice to see it all in one package though.

    The message I got was, how few people really care enough to do anything or even care. There were about a dozen people in the theater with me, on opening weekend!

    The Earth’s environment will be changing—that much is certain. The changes will destroy/uproot millions of lives; I don’t think there is any way to avoid that. Biology and anthropology types talk about impending population crashes taking place within the next few generations. It’s starting to look like our generation might have a grandstand seat to one of the most traumatic periods, certainly in recent history if not for all time.

  2. It's starting to look like our generation might have a grandstand seat to one of the most traumatic periods, certainly in recent history if not for all time.

    Not to revel in morbidity, but I agree. I don't see a way out. At least, not one that people are smart enough to take.

  3. Bring on the floods I say. Humans need a real wake up call and this movie is not it.

  4. Thanks for this article, really worthwhile material.
