Friday, July 07, 2006

Meme Therapy has posted an interview with science fiction/horror author John Shirley that I helped with:

Science Fiction Author John Shirley

In a general thematic sense and in some specifics, my novels Eclipse, Eclipse Penumbra and Eclipse Corona (currently from Babbage Press) were pretty accurate and I'm afraid are becoming more so every year. I predicted a move toward theocracy in the United States, and a kind of disguised neofascism--that seems to me to be coming about. I predicted this would be predicated on global military turmoil--the equivalent was 9/11. I failed to predict the loggerheads quality of our relationship with the Muslim nations but I did predict that there would be something along the lines of a "New Soviet" in Russia, becoming increasingly nationalistic and belligerent and that seems to be in the offing. I predicted that news media would not be reliable in the age of computer animation and the globalization of news information and this is proving out too.

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