Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Quantum Bee Dance

Mathematician Barbara Shipman has discovered that the movements of the dancing bees can be predicted by a mathematical formula called a "flag manifold," which expresses movement in the world of the tiny particles known as quarks. In mathematical terms, a manifold is a basic shape. She made this discovery when she projected the six dimensions of a flag manifold onto a two dimensional piece of paper. She was amazed to see that she was recreating the form of the bees' dance.

It may be that the bee's brain, while it seems simple compared to ours, actually works in a completely different, and more sophisticated, way: it may be quark-sensitive.

I find this notion infinitely compelling. Could intelligent beings have quantum manifold brains, able to process vast amounts of information without relying on cumbersome machinery?

Do we share the planet with "cryptoterrestrials" whose information infrastructure is unrecognizably alien? (It's worth noting that many descriptions of "aliens" suggest a "hive mind" not unlike that of bees.)


  1. Hey Mac -

    Seems a take on fractals to me. Patterns at the sub-microscopic level mirrored in the macro-...

    If we had the proper eyes, as you point out, we might find the same process at work in MANY areas.

    It seems rather elegant that since we are all made up of matter, the patterns of the quantum might influence the larger systems right up the "ladder", as it were.

    "Hellstrom's Hive", indeed! :)

    Your hypothesis is growing on me...or is it "dawning" on me?


  2. I've been pursuing the same ideas. Maybe the CTs have deeply "entangled" mind/s, making cultural artifacts largely unnecessary.

  3. The idea of psychic quantum entanglement is getting some necessary exposure. (See the new book "Entangled Minds.")
