Monday, July 17, 2006

"The World": Hedonistic geoengineering or inspired pipe-dream?

An enclave of posh artificial islands strikes me as the sort of place the world's uber-rich might retreat to after an environmental disaster. Perhaps it's not entirely accidental that "The World" resembles a map of the planet after a generous deluge of polar ice.


  1. "The World reinvents the earth and offers the ultimate in privacy and exclusivity."

    The World has no Israel. Islamofascists! (sarcasm)

    The World has no Washington state. Okay, now I'm ticked. Why would they leave out Washington state? At least they could call an island Cascadia. Don't they know Bill Gates and other Microsofties have boatloads of money to buy things like private islands? Is it some kind of anti-Microsoft thing? The UN should look into whether there are trademark violations in this, for using the names of existing states.

    Microsoft is pretty diligent enforcing its copyrights and trademarks, though. Ah, that would explain why they left it out.

  2. I saw a show on Discovery, or some such channel, about how they're creating these islands. It's pretty fascinating, especially considering that these artificial islands are made of nothing but packed sand, and are in one of the most earthquake prone areas of the planet.

  3. w.m. - Have you SEEN some of the edifices that grace Dubai? Talk about "Dubai-ous".

    And yet they stand...a testament to what obscene riches...and a grandiose vision...can accomplish.

    The "World" seems more like The "Village" from The Prisoner to me, though. Creepy.

    It will be interesting to see if they have a "Broadway" and "Park Place", though. :)


  4. I fully match with everything you've presented us.
