Sunday, August 06, 2006

American Madrassas (David Byrne)

The kids are around 9 or 10 years old, recruited from various churches, and are pliant willing receptacles. They are instructed that evolution is being forced upon us by evil Godless secular humanists, that abortion must be stopped at all costs, that we must form an "army" to defeat the Godless influences, that we must band together to insure that the right judges and politicians get into the courts and office and that global warming is a lie. (This last one is a puzzle -- how did accepting the evidence for climate change and global warming become anti-Jesus? Did someone simply conflate all corporate agendas with Jesus and God and these folks accept that? Would Jesus drive an SUV? Is every conclusion responsible scientists make now suspect?)

(Via Boing Boing.)

Oh, Jesus.


  1. This is just frightening.

    Honestly, the first thing I thought of while reading this was the Hitler Youth. Which I guess included many of the same indoctrination tactics as the Madrassas and this little "summer camp" does now.

    I'm going to admit something here that I've been afraid to in the past. I'm former military (yes, I do have a "Support our Troops" magnet on my car), and a registered Republican (albeit a moderate one). Yet even I will admit the sooner Bush is out of office and some of this shit can die down, the better.

    By pandering to the Conservative Right he has only encouraged this sort of behaviour, however indirectly, and it has GOT to be stopped. This sort of thing scares me more than any war, oil prices, heat waves, or economic statistics.

    They're turning these children into freaks, and someday, these children might be where Bush is today. If that happens, we're doomed.

  2. Jezzie, resisting these people isn't a matter of any political philosophy aside from a belief that the Constitution is worth defending.

    The US has suffered a coup. Both parties have been subverted. One of the biggest and most effective weapons the perpetrators have been using to keep people from fully realizing this is dividing us by stoking up hatred and anger between "liberals" and "conservatives". In fact, these people are neither, and so fighting them is not a partisan act, it's a patriotic one.

    Conservatives and liberals may disagree on how to decorate the house, but I bet they can both agree that it shouldn't be burnt to the ground.
