Sunday, August 06, 2006

Here's the official website for the 2006 New Frontiers Symposium in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where I'll be presenting a paper on posthuman evolution. Other attendees include Will Wise, Robert Zimmerman, Stanton Friedman (lecturing on the physics of UFOs), Paul Kimball, and Greg Bishop.

If you're tired of UFO seminars geared for true believers, this just might be the antidote.

Hope to see you in Halifax!


  1. If I somehow manage to avoid losing my shirt on it, I certainly intend to make it an annual event, and build it into a two day symposium next year. All depends on how it does this year.


  2. Hmm...maybe this can be my birthday/Christmas present from my husband for this year. I would love to come to this!

  3. Jezzie:

    Halifax is lovely in mid-October... and we'll probably be adding one more super speaker, sometime this week!

