Thursday, August 10, 2006

One of the things I enjoy about my ongoing contacts with planet-hopping spacewomen is the opportunity to touch down on celestial bodies probed only remotely by NASA. This evening we spent half an hour strolling the surface of Saturn's moon Titan, seen below.

As our surface vehicle descended, I realized that NASA's discoveries about this enigmatic moon are correct, but only in a crude, superficial sense. For example, I was stunned when I was escorted onto the moon's hydrocarbon-rich surface wearing only jeans and a T-shirt. (My companions, as usual, eschewed clothing.)

Titan is inhabited by bizarre aerial lifeforms that cavort among the roiling orange clouds, dragging ciliated tentacles across the chilly rubble in search of nutrient-rich prebiotic sludge.

One of my fellow travelers, an artificially maturated Jessica Alba clone, fell victim to the blindly searching cloud-dwellers. Safely back aboard the mothership, the rest of the crew commanded the biological support system to generate a replacement, who has since vowed revenge on her precursor's xenobiological assailant.

Fortunately for future human exploration, I managed to convince the ship's commander, a statuesque Angelina Jolie look-alike, to call off the immediate destruction of Titan's biosphere.

To be continued . . .


  1. Mac:

    You have waaaaaaay too much time on your hands...

    Unless this is all true, in which case see if you can find me a Gillian Anderson alien!


  2. Well, techicinally, the spacewomen's time-dilation technology gives me all the time I could possibly need...

    Sorry. They don't make Gillians. They retired that model a *long* time ago.

  3. Argh - you kids and your new fangled inventions!

    Give me the Gillian model any day of the week, and at least a dozen times Saturday night after BSG airs!


  4. Paul, my first priority is science. Surely you understand.

  5. Mac:

    Gee, Titan's surface looks awfully like a poorly-maintained parking lot as imaged by a low-res cell phone camera...

    Not that I doubt your story. I will have to channel George Adamski to have him verify your observations. He's been out of contact range lately since he fell in with the Heaven's Gate crew.



    (So who says having way too much time on your hands is bad?)

  6. Mac:

    Oh, yes, by all means - pure science.

    Absolutely. Agree with you 100%.


    By science you mean, like, "Weird Science" right??

    If so, I'm right with ya, buddy!


  7. Gee, Titan's surface looks awfully like a poorly-maintained parking lot as imaged by a low-res cell phone camera...

    *Ahem*. The spacewomen informed me that, indeed, a race of great builders once covered a significant fraction of Titan's surface with a concrete-like substance. Its purpose remains a mystery.

  8. Mac said:

    *Ahem*. The spacewomen informed me that, indeed, a race of great builders once covered a significant fraction of Titan's surface with a concrete-like substance. Its purpose remains a mystery.

    Gee, more concrete evidence!


