Sunday, September 03, 2006

The German Mission to Mars, 1910

In Daibers' books we encounter Martians called 'Marsites' who live in a scientific utopia. And where certain rumours have it that in 1944 or 1945, towards the end of World War 2 a secret German SS mission to Mars was actually undertaken in a 74 meter diameter Haunebu 3 flight disc, in Daiber's book the journey to Mars is started in 1942. The names of the seven world sailors, German scholars and professors, all begin with the same Letters. Thus we have a Paracelcus Piller, A Bombastus Brumhuber and so forth. The main protagonist, the leader of the expedition and its spritual father is named Siegried Stiller, or, SS.

1 comment:

  1. it leaves you wondering about the SMALLER Andromeda tachyon drives!!

    Ha! Indeed.
