Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Feminist icon GERMAINE GREER has sensationally blasted naturalist STEVE IRWIN's death an apt "revenge" by the animal world. Irwin died yesterday (04SEP06) after being stung in the chest by a stingray while diving on the Great Barrier Reef. However, the Australian author has little sympathy for his untimely demise, insisting the CROCODILE HUNTER star's cruelty to animals deserved a violent retribution.

(Via The Anomalist.)

Let me get this straight. The animal world wants to exact revenge -- and it picks the Crocodile Hunter? What about the companies busily toxifying the oceans? What about the W administration's strident anti-science goons? What about Exxon? Hell, what about the fast-food industry? Or Michael Crichton?

The list of humans doing harm to animals (and ultimately, of course, to themselves) is endless. But no -- Mother Nature has a vendetta against Steve Irwin.

One can only hope that was just a warm-up.


  1. You gotta love Germaine Greer - she shoots from the hip and normally hits the mark.

  2. Germaine Greer. Add her to the list with preacher Jimmy Swaggert, who railed against sin and was caught TWICE with a prostitute, and conservative bloviator Rush Limbaugh, who ranted against dopers and ended up as an OxyContin fiend. As for Greer, she disdained marriage, influencing many women to do the same, and then she got married. So anything she says has little merit to me.



  3. magnidude said... who cares what feminists say anyway

    It depends upon the feminist. Germaine ain't germane when it comes to real world relationships between men and women. Like Swaggert and Limbaugh, she preaches, but doesn't practice.


  4. bollocks
    to put Germaine Greer in the same catagory as swaggart et al is like grouping a lion with the hyenas just because they all feed off antelopes like ray (and Steve Irwin).

  5. No matter what, Steve Irwin was above all things, a conservationist.

    So for some fuckwit like Germaine Greer to say that this was a way for nature to exact a revenge? I call bullshit.

  6. Greer sounds like a complete fuckwit to me.

  7. Pisces Iscariot said...
    to put Germaine Greer in the same catagory as swaggart et al is like grouping a lion with the hyenas just because they all feed off antelopes like ray (and Steve Irwin).

    If you were really PC, you would've said "grouping a lioness with hyenas." Tsk, tsk.

