Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Intelligent Universe: AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos

Gardner envisions a final state of the cosmos in which a highly evolved form of group intelligence--a cosmic community--marshals the assets of matter and energy bequeathed by the Big Bang and engineers a cosmic renewal: the birth of a new baby universe endowed with the same life-giving propensity that our cosmos enjoys.

"My first book, Biocosm, was one long argument that the cosmos possesses a utility function (i.e., some value or outcome that is being maximized) and that the specific utility function of our cosmos is propagation of baby universes exhibiting the same life-friendly physical qualities as their parent-universe, a sort of cosmic reproductive organ," Gardner told

I'm drawn to the concept that the universe needs consciousness, either to succeed in some "utility function" or simply to keep itself intact. If so, could it also need directed awareness in the form of technology?

Singularitarians rejoice: The very fabric of reality could be inherently transhumanist.

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