Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I've been enduring stomach pains for most of the last week; consequently I haven't been going "out" much, and therefore not eating as well as I probably should. (Unless soda crackers and jam qualify as "eating well"; in that case I'm the very picture of health.)

I'm reluctant to see a doctor because I've had this problem before and honestly expect it to go away. I halfway suspect it's stress-related. Hell, maybe it's just in my head.

In the meantime, I've been fatigue-prone, neither my body nor my mind functioning to design specifications. And because of that I find myself having slept most of the day, which always wreaks havoc with my circadian rhythms.

On that sunny note, here's "Daysleeper" by R.E.M.


  1. I have a doctor's app. tomorrow. Pain pills! I need pain pills!

  2. It's good you're seeing a doctor. As W.M. said, it sounds like it could possibly be an ulcer. Better to heal it quickly, then have it get out of control.

  3. Mac:

    From time to time I've had stomach trouble. One time I ended up in the ER with terrible gut pain which was brought on by gas. Now I don't fool around; as soon as it seems another attack is about to occur, I take Gas X and break up the problem before it really flares up. If this happened on a regular basis, I would go see a doctor.

    Like you I suspect it is stress related, plus the lack of proper sleep. Since returning from an overdue vacation, I'm feeling sleepy and out of sorts. Environment obviously plays a role in my overall health. While attitude is important, it can only do so much to alleviate a negative or trying environment.

    I can understand if you have some reservations about seeing a doctor. Sometimes the doctor will throw some pills at the symptoms but not get to the real cause. And depending upon the physician, his "cure" might be useless or even cause more problems. But if you're aware of the drawbacks that might occur, you're better off seeing a doctor than not. If that doc doesn't help, try another one. I've done that when I've encountered a doctor who wasn't right for me.

    Anyway, hope the doctor can help and that you're feeling better soon.


