Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Phone calls to extraterrestrial civilizations return no response

The first telephone line for calling outer space was brought into operation in the United States on February 27th, 2005. Anybody who feels like calling aliens can dial 1-900-226-0300 and talk as much as he can at $3.39 a minute. A powerful transmitter will relay the call to space via a parabolic satellite dish, which is 3.5 meters in diameter.

Thousands of telephone calls have been transmitted to space since the day when the line became operative. The average duration of a call was about three minutes. The system providers intend to widen a range of services in the future. The users would be able to send to space their amateur movies, e-mail messages and digital pictures.

(Via The Anomalist.)

"No response"? Au contraire! I've been yakking it up with gorgeous spacewomen since the line went live!

No, wait . . . I'm thinking of a different 1-900 number. Sorry about that.

1 comment:

  1. Mac:

    Now all that we have to do is hope that any aliens who may exist have their own SETI-type program.

