Friday, September 08, 2006

Yet another movie that won't be showing anywhere near me:

Sharp, funny view of a stupid future

"Idiocracy" is a movie that looks stupid, but only in the service of astute commentary. As a prologue explains, smart people are getting outnumbered. While the intelligent tend to be careful about their breeding, a lot of morons are not; too boneheaded to think about birth control or sensible family size, they're cranking out more dumb babies every day.

So when soldier Joe Bowers (Luke Wilson) wakes up 500 years in the future, the result of a botched hibernation experiment, he finds the country hopelessly dense and incapable of solving the most basic problems. Buildings are teetering and collapsing. Garbage towers high in the streets. Farm fields are barren because a sponsor pumps salty energy drink into every place water used to be -- including the irrigation systems.

Most everyone in 2505 is a mouth-breathing lout, barely capable of forming a sentence. They've elected as president the guy who seems cool to them, a loudmouthed porn-star wrestler (unfailingly funny Terry Crews, the dad from "Everybody Hates Chris"). They pass their days consuming, defecating, fornicating and gawking at anything that goes boom. Then consuming some more. And because they don't know any better, they've let themselves be co-opted by corporate marketers, taking brands ("Frito") for names and wearing disposable clothes covered with ads.

(Via Boing Boing.)

I don't find the premise at all "out there." We're effectively there already.


  1. Why is it that I read this and am remided by the lyrics to the song "Flagpole Sitta", by Harvey Danger?

    I had visions, I was in them
    I was looking into the mirror,
    To see a little bit clearer,
    The rottenness and evil in me,
    Fingertips have memories
    Mine can't forget the curves of your body,
    And when i feel a bit naughty,
    I run it up the flagpole and see,
    Who salutes(But no one ever does)

    I'm not sick but I'm not well,
    and I'm so hot, cause I'm in hell!

    Been around the world and found
    That only stupid people are breeding,
    The cretins cloning and feeding,
    And I don't even own a TV?

    Put me in the hospital for nerves
    And then they had to commit me,
    You told them all i was crazy,
    They cut off my legs now i'm an amputee,
    (God damn you)

    I'm not sick but I'm not well,
    And I'm so hot, cause I'm in hell
    I'm not sick but I'm not well
    And it's a sin to live so well

    I wanna publish zines,
    And rage against machines,
    I wanna pierce my tongue
    It doesn't hurt, it feels fine,
    The trivial sublime,
    I'd like to turn off time
    And kill my mind,
    You kill my mind,

    Paranoia paranoia!
    Everybody's coming to get me,
    Just say you never met me,
    I'm runnin' underground with the moles,
    (Digging holes)
    Hear the voices in my head
    I swear to God it sounds like they're snoring!
    But if you're bored then you're boring,
    The agony and the irony, they're killing me

    I'm not sick but I'm not well
    and I'm so hot cause I'm in hell
    I'm not sick but I'm not well
    and it's a sin to live this well

    One, two, three, four!
    (Guitar Solo)

  2. I always kind of liked that song, back when I listened to the radio.
