Friday, October 06, 2006

Attack of the killer prototype robots

"Rather than look at a 3D model on a CAD (computer-aided design) program, a physical model would be manifested on your desk," said Babu Pillai, who, along with Jason Campbell, is heading up the project. "The material would change shape under software control."

The trick is that the fabric would not be a continuous piece of material. Instead, it would be composed of millions of independent silicon spheres covered in electronic actuators--half-capacitors or electromagnets. By applying charges to different actuators, different points on the sphere would be repelled or attracted to similar points on other spheres. The coordinated movement of the spheres would then cause the fabric to assume a shape.


Of course, if you're a character in a certain John Shirley novel, then this amazing stuff starts swarming through the nearest orifice it can find and hijacking your central nervous system . . .

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