Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Geoengineering Option

Here's the good scenario: we have maybe a decade, fifteen years on the outside, before we need start seeing a significant and sustained global reduction of greenhouse gases if we are to avoid absolutely catastrophic environmental results. You know the litany by now: unstoppable sea level rise, famine from loss of agricultural land, countless deaths around the world from the heat and opportunistic diseases, extinctions galore, and on and on. Ten years is enough time to implement significant improvements in our transportation and energy technologies, our consumption patterns, and the design of our communities. We know the pieces that we need to put into place, it's just a question of getting them assembled in time.

Here's the not-so-good scenario: you know that decade we thought we had? It's more like a year or two. Good luck.


  1. I don't know, Mac. It seems it would be more practical to genetically engineer our own evolutionary successors, who would find it much easier to survive post-climate change.

  2. It comes down to the Martian "terraform or upgrade" argument.

    Perhaps some of both?

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