Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Greg Bishop took a bunch of good pictures in Halifax (posted here in proper high-resolution). Here are three selected favorites.

The first one looks like a quintessential band promo shot, like we've just released an EP and are trying to hit it big with a new single. Nick Redfern truly looks the part. I'm wearing black leather, so I suppose I qualify -- although I don't envision myself doing anything overly visible; I'd probably be the "concept manager" or something -- like Brian Eno except without the musical ability. Will Wise (third from right) looks appropriately angsty. And Lisa looks charming. Maybe she's the lead singer.

Here I am with Paul Kimball and Nick in Paul's office. Paul actually did play in a band; I think I'm holding a T-shirt from a benefit he played in 1996.

And here's a final (?) shot of me at the mic talking about something or other. Space elevators, maybe. Or decrypting ET personae.

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