Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Halifax photos 1

I have many interests aside from writing. One is sailing. The high seas just call to me.

Here's Nick Redfern, who approaches a broad spectrum of Forteana with insight, humor and humility. And he's easily one of the nicest people I've ever met; aside from being fun to hang out with, he kindly mailed me some interesting declassified documents that suggest the Air Force may have once taken my "Indigenous Hypothesis" at least somewhat seriously. I hope to see him again when he hits Kansas City this December.

And let's face it -- the jacket is cool.

And here's UFO researcher Don Ledger, who attended the conference. Nice guy; unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time to talk. A few years ago I'd read his "Dark Object," a book about the perplexing Shag Harbour UFO crash.

Below: Conference organizer Paul ("Hetero Kool") Kimball with keynote speaker Robert Zimmerman, space historian. I got to talk at some length with Zimmerman at the hotel. While -- inexplicably -- I haven't read his award-winning history of the Russian and American space programs ("Leaving Earth") you can bet it's jumped way up on my to-read list.

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