Sunday, October 22, 2006

More Halifax photos . . .

Paul had printed off posters for all of the speakers. This collage was one of the first indications of weirdness as you entered the auditorium, followed by a merchandise table staffed intermittently by Stan Friedman and Robert Zimmerman.

(I bought an aged copy of "The Zeta Reticuli Incident," a commentary on the Betty Hill "star map" controversy, and the new 2-disc edition of "Do You Believe in Majic?", Paul's MJ-12 documentary.)

Halifax has a sense of history that's all-too lacking in the Midwest. The photo below was taken at the perimeter of a colonial citadel with a fantastic view of the city.

Here I am with Will Wise and actress Veronica Reynolds, who I met in Los Angeles in May.

We ate at a pub that served fish and chips, which necessitated breaking my vegetarian vows. Fortunately, my newly gall bladder-less digestive system didn't give me any problems.

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