Tuesday, October 10, 2006

NS Filmmaker Hosts Leading UFO experts at Halifax seminar

Halifax moviemaker Paul Kimball - and head of the local motion picture production company Redstar Films - is hosting a one-day international UFO conference at St. Mary's University on Saturday, October 14th.

Called The New Frontiers Symposium, it will consist of several globally-known UFO specialists giving presentations, along with question-and-answer sessions with conference attendees.

The presenters will include Greg Bishop (who will speak on the Contactee Movement), Stanton T. Friedman (on Flying Saucers and Physics), William Wise (Project Blue Book), Nick Redfern (Chasing Strange Creatures), Mac Tonnes (Towards A Post Human Future) and Robert Zimmerman (Stories From Space).

Kimball himself will make a presentation entitled Best Evidence: The Top Ten UFO Cases, which is also the subject of his latest film for the Space Channel.

They spelled my name wrong -- nothing new, believe me. But that's OK, because now I can flaunt the title of "Globally-Known UFO Specialist." And don't think I won't!


  1. "Globally-known UFO Specialist"

    Sounds like a NASA title!


  2. Heh, you're just "Tonnes" of fun! ;o)

  3. Heh, you're just "Tonnes" of fun!

    More like a few grams. At most!
