Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ray (Ray's X-Blog) joins the Mac Tonnies UFO Defense League.

(Join now and receive free official merchandise!)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. There's free swag?



  3. Not that I really want to defend Dvorsky's point, being a bit of a Mac fan-girl, but honestly, isn't the guy allowed his own opinion?

    I don't know, it's just that, with the way everyone's been hopping all over his shit, I'm starting to feel a little sorry for the guy. ;o)

  4. Jezzie--

    Sure he has a right to his opinion. But the fact that his opinion is so devastatingly uninformed and mean-spirited -- never a good combination -- ticked some people off.

    Dvorsky effectively called me an idiot for not seeing the universe as he sees it. While I won't be losing any sleep over it, it's disappointing -- especially as I genuinely like and respect his blog.

  5. I can see that. And surely I don't like seeing you called out as an idiot in any way shape or form...but dang.

    I'd be glad these guys are my friends...the way they've been acting, I'd hate to have them as enemies. And you most certainly have some loyal buddies. :o)

    Lucky you!

  6. Jezzie:

    Morons are morons, and I have no problem saying so. Dvorsky is, in this instance, a moron, although he may be very-well informed about other things.

    Besides, with MT and me, it's a "hood" thing, i.e., "Yo, Crypto MT - Hetero Kool has got your back!"


  7. Besides, with MT and me, it's a "hood" thing, i.e., "Yo, Crypto MT - Hetero Kool has got your back!"

    You should see Paul get "ghetto" on somebody who's talkin' smack. You *don't* want to be on the receiving end of that action.

    And I know what I'm talking about: We braved the mean streets of LA.

  8. Hey bro, I'm down wit' dat, yo. ;o)

  9. They were more mean-ish than mean. :-)

    Hetero Kool

  10. The last time I checked the comments for "Unidentified Flying Idiots" post, no one has rushed to The Great Dvorsky's defense.

    Even if I did agree with his POV -- and obviously I don't -- there is no excuse for such arrogance.

    I try to get along with people. But when they act like smug bastards who know what is best for everyone else -- well, that triggers the snark in me. Especially when a smug bastard takes a cheap shot at Mac. From what I've seen following his blog, Mac acts respectfully towards others and therefore deserves respect.

    I don't agree with everything Mac says, but at least I'm intelligent enough to politely disagree.

