Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Transhumanism vs. UFOs

I'm a bit concerned about the New Frontiers Symposium.

I consider myself a serious person (history degree, law degree, professional filmmaker, Capricorn), and I think Stan Friedman (M.Sc. in physics), Bob Zimmerman (award-winning historian), Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop (published authors), and William Wise (software engineer, archivist) are serious people too.

And they'll be talking about serious subjects - history, physics, space exploration, evidence for the objective reality of the UFO phenomenon.

So what's to worry about?

Well, here's my concern - Mac Tonnies.

You see, I'm not sure we want to be associated with him.

Story of my life.


  1. Mac:

    For what it's worth, here's my take on the controversy:


    And if that link doesn't work (because I screwed up the HTML once again) just go to and read the article with a headline that one might find over at The Onion.



  2. You should be proud they think you carry enough clout to discredit their little singularity religion.

  3. eh... sorry...

    Imagine me in a large classroom, chalk in hand, writing "Next time I will read before posting" a few hundred times on the board.
