Thursday, April 05, 2007

The malady lingers on: Kal Korff's at it again.

Here's the latest strangeness (in obligatory "press release" format):

Kal Korff to Contact James Moseley to DISPROVE Recent False Claims, Identify Responsible Parties

To give you just one real example Mosely cited, which is NOT true and never has been or will be, is that I have a "cooking column."

NO. I have NEVER had a cooking column. It is simply my column, Kal's Korner. We cover many subjects, any I feel I have a right to or am qualified to.

What the "cooking" refers to is something that should outright EM BARE ASS anyone in UFOlogy who "believed" this. I was told that Mac Tonnies passed this "fact" along to Mosely. If so, Tonnes [sic] can "explain" it.

Sorry to disappoint, Kal. I honestly can't explain it because I don't have a clue what you're talking about. Shouldn't you be off fighting international terrorism or something?

For back-story on Kal, you could do a lot worse than listen to Paul Kimball's recent discussion with David Biedny on The Paracast.

(Paul's wisely washed his hands of Korff's antics. I hereby do the same.)


  1. How udderly ridiculous.

    Jim Moseley will no doubt be highly amused.



  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Man, and I was waiting for his phone call, too!

    -(James) Alex Moseley

  3. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Let's just say if he offers to "fix dinner" for either Mac or Paul, I'd strongly advise they pass...
