Thursday, April 12, 2007

Popular Landform in Cydonia Region

HiRISE captured this image of an eroded mesa made famous by its similarity to a human face in a Viking Orbiter image with much lower spatial resolution and a different lighting geometry.

Yep, it's a brand-new image of the Face on Mars.


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I see no face.

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Really? In that picture, or in some other picture of the same mountain? I'm not intending a useless distinction here. I'm pointing out that this image would be unlikely to arouse any interest if not for the previous pics. Maybe you or others have a great explanation for that.

  3. It's not too difficult to make out the salient facial features, especially on the left-hand side. There's a brow, an eye, a "muzzle," a parted mouth, and a chin. However, I'm the first to admit that the resemblance is more immediate to those who've seen earlier images.
