Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rudy Rucker's in Amsterdam and blogging every minute of it. I especially liked this observation:

The medieval people were really under the thumb of religion. They were endlessly obsessed with sin and punishment, and with the notion that God was always ready to judge you. A modern person might view this as a collective mental illness promulgated by the Church in order to scare people into giving them lots of money. But it's interesting to try and get into the medieval point of view. The sensation of being watched is not, after all, so alien to modern man.

The "war on terror" is nothing new.


  1. It's the best reason ever to be cautious of being condescending and patronizing to people of the past. They'd look at our society and instantly feel at home with our prejudices, superstitions and magical thinking.

  2. Anonymous5:25 AM

    the sensation fo beeing watched in Foucalts philosophy! The reality z. if i may say the truth, not onlu watched but marionetted by god
