Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tonight I got my hair cut. All of it. I am now totally bald -- and it feels great!


  1. You'll get 'em eventually. (I'm w/o a camera.) I think I look OK. And anyone who doesn't can kiss my ass.


  2. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Im sure Yu look like an Angel, meaning e-terrestial

  3. Bald is beautiful, baby! Btw, if you haven't bought yourself a Headblade, then run, don't walk to your nearest men's store:

  4. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Wow! Would Carl Jung call this a synchronicity, or what: I have been thinking of shaving my head, also!

    I have longish hair, which looks pretty good when I shampoo and get a haircut, but I've been wondering what it would look like to be bald, even if only for the experience of seeing how my skullskin actually appears.

    Plus, it would frighten my little grand-nephews and nieces! That would be a plus! They already know I'm "kinda weird", but they do qualify that to indicate it's a "good kinda weird", since I'm so indulgent and attentive to their needs and wants, usually.

    I hesitate, though, as I'm seeing employment, if I can't profit sufficently from my written work (which, as I'm sure Mac knows, doesn't pay the bills most often) as a free-lance writer, editor, etc.

    But I just may adopt the new "crypto" style myself at some point soon, just to see what it looks like and get my meandering contemplation of same over with.

    I would like to also see how long it takes to grow back out to my standard luxurious and beautified self....heh! 8^}


    Kal's Klownish (Evil?) Klone Says:

    I told you Roubi's electro-magnetically controlled, nipple-based Pollonium-210 sprayers would get you!!! Bwaahahaahoohootie? Ahem. Hehe.

    "Dr. Follicular Q. Intense"

  5. Im sure Yu look like an Angel, meaning e-terrestial

    Especially when I put on my wrap-around sunglasses!


    Thanks for letting me know there's such a thing as a Headblade. This looks like a must.

  6. Anonymous3:23 PM


    Hey, I heard Michael Rosenbaum wants to leave the Smallville TV series, so you can be the next Lex Luthor! [g]

    Me, I'm letting nature do its part in making me bald. I'm afraid to clip off what hair I have left because it might decide to spite me and not grow back!!!


  7. I'm letting my hair hit waist-length for the first time in years, simply because I still can. :)

  8. I own the copyright on shaven-headed paranormal investigator and therefore demand my royalty payment. A beer or several will suffice next time we're at a gig.

  9. Nick--

    Not only will I buy you a beer, if you loan me a leather jacket I'll distract your admiring fans so you can make a clean get-away!

  10. Well, that's it, then. You MUST now also wear a pair of wraparound shades 24/7.

    I better not; I might wind up on an autopsy table somewhere in Area 51.
