Monday, May 21, 2007

The 3D air-mouse you wear as a ring

The computer mouse and flat "desktop" themed operating systems have hardly evolved since their inception. But the recent creation of a genuine, working 3D mouse system that you wear as a ring on one finger could open the door to a new model of GUI display that lets the user explore an interface in intuitive 3D. Could we be moving towards a revolution in interface interactivity?


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Well, "ain't it cool?" Matrixville!

    But, even then, you would have to move your hand in the air, ala virtual glovelyness. Too much work.

    Why not an eye-mounted mouse, tracking pupil movement for directionality, with a double blink for left click (to avoid wiping out a file by a normal single blink), and a triple blink for right click? With the speed of double/triple blink-rate user-settable?

    This would also be useful for those who may be handicapped or paralyzed (either physically or motivationally).

    (PC mouse style--for Macintosh users, well, we'll develop that interface for Apple Mac-folks when we can economically justify the development of same for that minor portion of the market...)

    OK, it was just an eye-dea...8^}

  2. Why not an eye-mounted mouse, tracking pupil movement for directionality, with a double blink for left click (to avoid wiping out a file by a normal single blink), and a triple blink for right click? With the speed of double/triple blink-rate user-settable?

    You said it! It's probably not far off; Microsoft probably already has a patent for it.

  3. Wow this is amazing, I need one, now! hahaha this would be great you can even take with you to the street and you will forget that you wearing it haha
