Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Fortean Times has put Nick Redfern's wrap-up of October's New Frontiers Symposium online. Includes a terrifying photo of me with hair.

Space Symposium

It was billed as an event devoted to 'extraterrestrial life' space exploration and the future'. But Halifax's local what's-on guide, The Coast, wasn't far wrong when it concisely described the New Frontiers Symposium as a place where "all kinds of crazy shit" would be placed under the microscope for scrutiny.

You may need to sign in to read it.


  1. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Mac, we're still waiting for the terrifying pictures of you _without_ hair! And I don't mean a still from "The Man Who Fell To Earth!" Bowie!? C8^}

    On a serious note, are DVD's available from the New Frontiers conference from last October? Pricing, ordering info, source link?

  2. Hi Nick,

    No DVDs because, as far as I know, no one filmed the conference. Blame Paul Kimball! ;-)

    I haven't been photographed w/o hair yet. When I get a good one I'll post it. (I think I pull the bald thing off pretty well, personally, but I'll let the jury decide.)

  3. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Huh--I looked around the net, and found that the original two websites for the NF symposium are no longer up, not archived or findable via's search option or wayback machine.

    And, other than some pre-NFS "Book of Toth" text interviews with some participants who spoke at the NFS on the web, there is no indication that the symposium was recorded even to audio, and couldn't find any audio media for sale of the presentations at NFS either--were audio recordings made?

    Are they available?
    And if not, why not?

    Yes, I am an infomaniac ref. serious info on the uap/ufo subject, and I wanted to hear your presentation, among others, from NFS. Will there be a NFS 2007 or even 2008 at this point? I guess I should ask Paul Kimball, unless you know, Mac.

  4. Will there be a NFS 2007 or even 2008 at this point?

    I dunno. That's a question for Paul.
