Sunday, May 06, 2007

Not only does this "UFO" look fake, it looks really fake, like the hoaxer wasn't even trying particularly hard. But I'll give him or her some credit for originality. (I especially like the alien script on the craft's extensions.)


  1. maybe the craft has a "photoshop look" field it turns on whenever humans with cameras are detected...;-)

  2. me and a friend made an incredibly cheesy looking fake UFO pic one day and emailed it to a UFO site which will shall go unnnamed...and they posted it, of course.

  3. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Nice design sense, though. A little too concrete and sharply focused (esp. vs. background) to be credible, of course. I demand blurrier photos for authenticity!

    And, yeah, the "alien script" or writing on the "vessel", in three different axes, is a nice touch. VX7 indeed! But, looks like something a human would design, not an "alien". A bit too nice and insufficiently anomalous. I guess my anthropocentrism is showing...maybe , as a tattoo design, it might work better.

    I especially relish the "my wife and I were on a walk when we noticed a very large, very strange 'craft' in the sky. My wife took a picture with her cell phone camera (first photo below). A few days later a friend (and neighbor) lent me his camera and came with me to take photos of this 'craft'. We found it and took a number of very clear photos" most unlikely verbiage.

    Convenient that a few days later it was still hanging around for "Chad" and his neighbor to mosey on down to where ever and take some excellent follow-up pix. Not much difference between the low megapixel "cell phone" and the neighbor's camera, either. Just juicily silly! 8^}

    Ever wonder what the actual ratio of hoaxed ufo photos to "genuine" ones are? 1 in 1000? Check out this video link, also. [As Steve Martin and Dan Akroyd one night on SNL said, to paraphrase, "what the hell is that thang?!" Think runaway balloon train being used like a kite with a cute little light attached? Or organic alien space being! Flip a coin...or don't!]

  4. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I have to say I love the design. At least they tried to be a smidgen original. There's some great detail work on the model and the asymmetrical aspect is really quite pleasant :)

    "Real" aliens however are much less glitzy although this could be a new group on a joy ride of some kind.

    One can only hope.

  5. Looks like a kitchen utensil, a very cool one though.

  6. I like the armature extensions, but I'm pretty sure that font is part of the "Total Textures Scifi" texture map library. I think I may have even used it on an assignment once.

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    It's a Bulgarian-Gibsonian birth control device! My wife was missing hers, and it developed sentience, and flew away! Wondered where that thing got to...oh, well, there's always condoms.

  8. maybe the craft has a "photoshop look" field it turns on whenever humans with cameras are detected

    Indeed! :-)

  9. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I knew intuitively it was the C2C fakes even before I opened the link and got it confirmed.

  10. Even more amusing, there's been an "update" from the photographer that adds to the story, and includes a closer view of the "unusual writing" on the craft.

    Personally, I think it looks like a really odd juicer.

  11. A juicer from the stars! The aliens have come to tell us important things about nutritious beverage-making!

  12. (I especially like the alien script on the craft's extensions.)

    Thank you. That was my touch when our new Ant Overlords hired me as a consultant for the design of their new ship. But trust me, you don't want to know what it says.

  13. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Looks like a kitchen utensil, a very cool one though.

    Or an abstract sculpture of some sort. At any rate, it belongs in a moden art museum not in a hoax. What a waste!

  14. Now, if he and his wife first saw this a month ago, and she's been pregnant for a month...Hmmm!!!

  15. Anonymous5:39 AM

    "...But trust me, you _don't_ want to know what it says."

    Hmmmm. (pulls out his trusty Eagle Scout alienish to english translator module and combo swiss army knife)

    I got it! "To Serve Man" Well, how munificent! Hey, why's it squirting barbeque sauce all over me?!

  16. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Chad you are a liar... !
    A big liar ...!

  17. I kind of like "Chad." He's making fools of the true believers, which is fine by me.
