Monday, May 14, 2007

UFO Insiders: The Problem (Nick Redfern)

Since the UFO presence is by its nature elusive, and the government deems us only worthy of half-truths, lies and disinformation, perhaps we should stop looking for UFOs and instead launch a concerted effort to expose the people pulling the whistleblowers' strings and directing their actions. Only by doing that, I believe, do we stand a real chance of finding the answers that we seek.

Nick speaks wisely. Maybe he's one of "them."


  1. One of them? Nah, I'd probably have to wear a suit and tie in that job, instead of my t-shirts and biker jackets and that just would not work!

  2. Redfern? Isn't that an Illuminati symbol?



  3. Nick--

    Well, you could still be, like, a "rogue agent" or something...

  4. Mac:

    True, but they could at least pay me!

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Ah, but as "The Prisoner"'s No. 2, et al, was oft heard to say, "that would be 'telling'!" Same applies to inappropriate, contextually, sartorial splendor...booga, booga!
