Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gulf of Mexico 'Dead Zone' Could Expand This Year

The Gulf of Mexico's "dead zone" -- a swath of water with such low levels of oxygen that marine life can be threatened or killed -- could be the largest since measurements began in 1985, scientists said on Tuesday.

The dead zone, which recurs each year off the Texas and Louisiana coasts, could stretch to more than 8,500 square miles (22,100 sq km) this year -- about the size of New Jersey -- compared with 6,662 square miles (17,250 sq km) in 2006 and nearly double the annual average since 1990 of 4,800 square miles (12,430 sq km).


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    The Dead Zone. Hmmm. If we touch the waters, do we get a revelation of the future, ala Stephen King? I think I can see the future that is coming, both there and here and everywhere (thank you, Dr. Seuss).

    And it does not look very good...

    (Running breathily for the interzone)

  2. I like King but I haven't read "The Dead Zone," which I should.

    That said, I loved the movie version. Christopher Walken was frighteningly good.

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    we need look no farther than between our ears to understand the source of this phenomena

