Saturday, August 18, 2007

Arctic Ice Coverage Will Shrink to 2050 Projections . . . This Summer

Yes, dear readers, you read that correctly.

Sometimes you wish records didn't get broken. A group of Japanese science agencies announced today that the area of the Arctic Sea covered by ice is at its lowest level ever recorded. It reached this low point on August 15th, and it's going to get worse. Ice levels should continue to shrink all the way through mid-September. If reality matches predictions, the ice levels will reach IPCC predictions 40 years ahead of schedule.


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I have no doubt that these are the culprits responsible for the receding glaciers, and gross contamination of pristeen environments with bodily fluids. If ever there iis one sound reason to go vegeterian or even frutitarian.(Dick Gregory was one) this is it. I hope a snowslide engulfs the whole lot of them
    As usual I back my science with facts!


  2. Anonymous3:52 PM


    I would be totally reckless and irresponsible if I failed to mention that the very people above pulling out their pubic hairs were the same ones 30 years ago demanding UN action to prevent global cooling, changing of freon and other ingredients which our shuttle used in the tile and foam, which inadvertently weakened the tiles which in turn may have been the cause of catastrophic failures to date. I will emphatically go an record as saying they are an embarrassment to White people everywhere, and make a prima facie case both for why the ET'S will not dare even speak to us and more importantly ,are the poster children for the inevitable decline of western civilzation.


