Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Army suicides highest in 26 years

The report, obtained by The Associated Press ahead of its scheduled release Thursday, found there were 99 confirmed suicides among active duty soldiers during 2006, up from 88 the previous year and the highest number since the 102 suicides in 1991 at the time of the Persian Gulf War.

Jeez . . . they must not realize that God's on their side. Keep praying, folks!


  1. That's a rather flip thing to say about a rather alarming statistic.

  2. Katie--

    "Alarming" is an understatement. I wasn't being "flip." I was being sarcastic because I'm genuinely appalled by the mania that led to this, and sickened by the current administration's virulent religiosity.

  3. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Every large group of people has suicides. If the latest reports, which infer an Iraq War connection, are the "highest in 26 years" then what was going on in 1981?
