Thursday, August 23, 2007

Could Enceladus' Plume Damage Cassini?

Enceladus has a remarkable secret, and scientists want to know more. Something is keeping the moon warm, and creating great plumes of water ice that spew out into the Saturnian system and even contribute to the rings. NASA is sending the Cassini spacecraft back in for another look in 2008; however, some engineers are concerned that the tiny particles might pose a risk to the spacecraft as it flies right through them.


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    For Gods sake, risk millions of llars worth of equipment and taxpayers money to take a peek? at a place we won't go to for a 100 years or more? They now the spray has ammonia..has anyone seen what ammonia can do? I have its corrosive.
    Get real..Who is overseeing these morons anyway!

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Probably the same ones who do your spell-checking for you. That advisory comment will cost you, oh,
    $29 llars, please. Latinum will also be acceptable.

    I would guess the "morons" at NASA may have already considered some of the risks in this proposed venture, don't you?

  3. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Hi miss matters..Thank you for your superior display of the Kings ( Let me be PC here) or Queens English. Perhaps I was harsh on those rascallions at NASA, particularly with all the magnificent work they do with global modelling along with other agencies.Why perhaps I am even unpatriotic to besmirch an otherwise pristine work history unclouded by mishaps. It's only your and my dollars at work here, after all, or is it our dollars being worked over? while other pressing issues plaguing mankind go unattended. Of course, they must be aware and know better than I whats best for us and their agency, I mean our planet.

    If my typos got a chuckle from you..keep reading all the posts..some may take you yet to unexperienced orgasmic levels..

    d mowon
