Friday, August 03, 2007

Ladies and gentleman, a Morrissey tune I'd honestly never heard until a few minutes ago:

Apparently an updated "greatest hits" compilation is in the works and this track will be on it.


  1. Anonymous1:07 PM

    That girl w/ the bubble dress was the opening act when I saw him a few months ago. It was just her on a keyboard and a drummer. I never did find out who she was.

  2. Anonymous2:38 PM

    kristeen young

  3. Wow -- I like her!

  4. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I call this Difficult Listening Music.

    Sorry Mac, I love ya, but this guy's voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.
    I always expect him to say "Gaaawlleee Sergeant Carter!"

    Conversely, I think you'd absolutely HATE some of the stuff I listen to.

  5. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Wow.. couldn't disagree more. Morrissey/Smiths is some of the best music out there.

    I actually love the way he modulates his voice - that little yelp me does on "This Charming Man" practically makes the song. The depth and emotion Mos conveys with his voice is incredible.

    And if I'm ever feeling depressed, and want to wallow in the emotional dispair, pulling up something like "Seasick, Yet still Docked" lets me pass the time in glorious misery :)

  6. Hey Bsti--

    Conversely, I think you'd absolutely HATE some of the stuff I listen to.

    Some, maybe. But I bet there's a surprisingly large overlap. I think we're both Bjork fans, for example.


    "Seasick, Yet Still Docked" ranks as one of my favorites. It pretty much says it all.

  7. Anonymous3:33 AM


    Listen to this:

    Vintage Morrissey, when he was with the Smiths (How Soon Is Now). If you still don't like his singing here, well, there's no accounting for personal tastes. To each his own. 8^}
