Monday, August 06, 2007

Terence McKenna: "Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."

(Hat tip: PAG E-News.)


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    thats guy smoked way too much weed.

  2. He would have agreed with you.
    But it is unfair to dismiss him as a delusional Pothead.
    His work on language and syntax in relation to Fortean phenomena was excellent, along with his cultural and historical commentary.
    Yes, he also had some provocative and perhaps outlandish theories, but isn't that the intellectual path this blog celebrates?

  3. Absolutely!

    Frankly, I'm betting he nailed it!

    The most casual attention paid to McKenna... and Sheldrake, and Abraham among significant others shows that this may be so. Buckle up and try to have some liquidity, eh?

    Sincere, smart, and imaginative, the Psychedelic Salon is not a collection of shiftless stoners giving mind-blowing talks and presentations... ...compelling discussions, sincerely.

    Alternative heads up intellectually...
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  4. Why must original thinkers always be saddled with the "what drugs is he taking" quip?

  5. ...Because you must first laugh at, then attack what you later come to accept as true? I suspect if we have a future, McKenna will be a giant in it. Sincerely.

    LOL! ...And this is after I've heard what he had to say on the subject of UFOs!

    Seriously -- there are hundreds of hours of TM stuff extant on the internet. Folks should go out and collect what they can free of charge, availing themselves fully with regard to discovering again that the best things in life are free.

    Seriously, better'n CHURCH for my money and it's not passing a collection plate, you know?
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  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Why must original thinkers always be saddled with the "what drugs is he taking" quip?

    dont get your panties all in a bunch Tonnies, noone's accusing you of either drug use or original thinking.

    The reason my first thought upon watching that McKenna clip was "this dude smoked way too much weed" was because I used to smoke tons of weed in my youth, and I can recognize very easily the kind of wild speculation that the drug produces, speculation that makes perfect sense after that last bong hit, but not to anyone with a clear head.

    everyone should do drugs in their teens and maybe twenties, but if you're still toking up well into adulthood, then your brain is gonna be mush.

  7. Yes, thank you, very helpful. But ironic, see? It's you, oddly enough: reactionary, combative, belligerent, and anonomous... writing like you have sucked down too much bong water, and so, crippled with guilt and acting out, handily confuse defecation with discourse to a degree, huh?

    Uh huh.

    ...For whom do the panties wad? Why, they wad for thee, obviously. But thanks for playing.
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  8. Anonymous7:01 PM

    yes al and notice that you do not address the issue at all - just indulge in your usual irrelevancies. god forbid you should actually say something relevant to the subject of Terence's drug use and its possible effect on his timewave theories.

  9. Weak...

    You accuse what you're guilty of yourself! You avoid discussion of why you may be reactionary, combative, belligerent, and anonomous... sidestep transparent (obvious) guilt, and argue from ignorance what you won't understand.

    What's to understand?

    To the very end of McKenna's days, where he died with grace and dignity, he commanded an eloquence and intelligence compelling the inspired respect and unrestricted admiration of the finest minds of the last 3 generations.

    What's your contribution, exactly?

    Oh -- and call me Mr. Lehmberg.
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  10. Anonymous8:50 PM

    actually al i like mckenna but im sorry his timewave stuff is just plain stoned.

    not to mention the fact that 2012 is gonna come and go with about as much drama as 1995, 1998 (Casey predictions) Y2K etc. etc...

    at least the types who are into such things have a few years left to come up with another date like 2050 or whatever, when things will really start happening, so that when 2012 comes and goes without nary a blip they can conveniently not mention it and start posting websites about the new date (and writing and selling books to the gullible, lets not forget that motivation)...

  11. actually al i like mckenna but im sorry his timewave stuff is just plain stoned.

    I concur. But at least it's a useful metaphor.

  12. I suspect everything is metaphor, Mr. Tonnies, when it's not being reactionary, combative, belligerent, and anonomous... then it's just tedious.
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