Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Two notable space items:

Galaxies clash in four-way merger

Four gigantic galaxies have been seen crashing into one another in one of the biggest cosmic collisions ever seen.

[. . .]

The clashing galaxies are expected to eventually merge into a single, behemoth galaxy up to 10 times as massive as our own Milky Way.

Team finds largest exoplanet yet

An international team of astronomers has discovered the largest known planet orbiting another star.

The "transiting" planet - meaning one that passes in front of its parent star as seen from Earth - is about 70% larger than Jupiter.

But the presumed "gas giant" has a much lower mass than Jupiter - the biggest planet in our Solar System - making it of extremely low density.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! On the four way collision, that's a snapshot from five billion years ago and before our sun was a star...

    That mash-up has already occurred, is post climax and an altogether different entity presently. Can you imagine what it must look like now?

    ...Limitations of a lying sky.

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