Saturday, September 01, 2007

CDC Requests Bay Area Morgellons Study

KTVU Channel 2 has learned the federal Centers for Disease Control has asked Kaiser Permanente to begin the nation's first epidemiologic study of "Morgellons Disease," a mysterious ailment that the government terms an "unexplained and debilitating condition that has emerged as a public health concern."

KTVU Health and Science Editor John Fowler was the first in the nation to report on this "mystery disease" as it was called in 2004. He reported the skin disorder seemed to cause fibers and filaments to emerge from the skin of sufferers, and also seemed to cause neurological problems patients described as "brain fog."

(Via PAG E-News.)

"Morgellons Disease" has long been the stuff of late-night radio and stillborn conspiracy theories. If it's real, the implications are not a little disturbing.


  1. The most disturbing implication being that CDC has the same "non-disclosure" policy as NASA -- their default setting is "Deny and Ridicule" until they complete their own evaluations. We need some actual damn scientists in charge ASAP or this nation is profoundly doomed. PRO-FOUND-LEE DOOOOOOOMED.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    There is a link to an analysis done with some excellent photos of the imaginary symptoms people are suffering..there is good reason to believe that this may be related to nanotechnology..that is nanoparticle related. The toxic effects have just barely been identified but nanoparticles can not only be absorbed into the skin, but cross the gutline into the lympahtic system ..and have been detected in the atmosphere..

    The third link to physorg discusses this.

    I doubt we have enough allergy doctors and immunologists ato handle what is developing.

