Thursday, September 06, 2007

A flying triangle over Belgium? The video looks easily faked, so my first reaction is to write it off as yet more CGI noise. Even if authentic, I see nothing in the footage that shrieks "paranormal"; it could be a hang-glider for all I know.


  1. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Hang glider at night? Not only insanely dangerous, I wonder how he's defying gravity like that..

    Whatever makes you feel 'safe' I guess..

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    The video is an interesting, but completely fabricated fake/hoax.

    Get over your arrogance and ignorance, anon.

    See UFO Updates for considerable details establishing what I'm saying. Go to the fabricator's site, at:

    If believing this "triangle ufo" video is "the real thing" makes _you_ feel 'safe' I guess you might want to be rather more discriminating, and try to enhance your ability to separate the wheat from this kind of boring chaff.

    If not, or unwilling or unable to see this is a fake, then all I can do is recall the words of P.T. Barnum: "there's a sucker born every minute."

  3. Anon.--

    In case you haven't noticed, I'm a UFO "believer" in the sense that I feel perfectly "safe" acknowledging there are unknown objects operating in our atmosphere.

    But while I'm open-minded, I'm inherently skeptical -- and I think weeding out the most likely prosaic explanations for any given UFO video is a good place to start.
