Sunday, September 23, 2007


"ET is attacking us by stealth. Using our own computers against us." Dacre insists. He claims that the US government, in tandem with other 'friends', know that the interstellar computer virus arrived from a star system approximately twelve light years from our solar system. "A stone's throw on the galactic scale of failing suns!"

Alien computer viruses? Oh, come on! If you're going to make up a silly SETI conspiracy at least do better than that.


  1. Anonymous12:19 AM

    And, um, isn't this just a reversal of the gimmick used in "Independence Day" where earthlings upload a computer virus to the alien Mother Ship's computer?

    --W.M. Bear

  2. WMB--

    That's exactly what it is. How lame.

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Just because it's a reversal of a Hollywood film doesn't negate its worth.
    You should read the report, without the bias your 'intellect' brings.
    Unless of course you think pink elephants travelling at the speed of light are any more believable.
