Sunday, September 02, 2007

Ronald Reagan muses on the political impact of extraterrestrial invasion:

(Thanks: Danger Room.)


  1. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Personally I'm absolutely burnt out on global government denial of the ET issue. Reagan was pulling the classic "If only you knew what I know" insider rant.

    With an impending environmental collapse and the crumbling of the western world on our doorstep, I'm not sure what it will take at this point for them to break the silence. Those old oil dogs need to roll over and die I guess so that new blood can get this info out there.

    The world does indeed need this unifying information. Not because it's a "threat" but because we need to grow the hell up as a species.

    Enough is enough already.


  2. I actually wrote a story once based on that speech. The subtitle was lifted directly from the next day's page-1 headline of the Globe and Mail, the staid, conservative, self-proclaimed "Canada's National Newspaper": Reagan Assured Gorbacev of Help Against Space Aliens. Underneath that headline was a picture of Reagan holding a teddy bear, and waving its little paw to a high-school graduating class somewhere in the deep south.

    That headline, and that picture, kept me warm for the next three nights.
