Wednesday, September 19, 2007

There's the Red Vote, the Blue Vote . . . and the Little Green Vote

Federal law limits the participation of resident aliens in the political process. But it is silent on the role of extraterrestrial aliens.

This loophole has not been lost on the life forms who arrived on these shores aboard flying saucers with little more than the antennae on their backs. After years of suffering without suffrage, these beings are now seeking to play a role in the 2008 presidential campaign.

You guessed it: another shallow, dismissive piece on the "expolitics" movement as it readies itself for a new presidential election. Like my friend Paul Kimball, whose UFO documentary "Best Evidence" made its American debut at the X-Conference in Washington, D.C., I think exopoliticians' certainty that UFOs represent extraterrestrial intelligence is premature; perhaps a more productive approach to the controversy would entail dispensing with expansive "cover-up" allegations and focusing on the scientific unknowns posed by the phenomenon (whatever its origin).

None of this is to suggest the U.S. government is being entirely truthful about what it knows about UFOs. Clearly, secrets are being kept -- many of them for reasons only marginally connected to the UFO enigma. And while I'm sympathetic to claims of crashed ET vehicles and recovered alien bodies, I'm unaware of a single case that could be reasonably wielded as proof of alien visitation. Instead, we're faced with 60 years of unexplained activity that hints, remarkably, of some form of intelligence -- fascinating to committed students of the unknown, but decidedly less desirable to disclosure activists committed to unearthing a "smoking gun."


  1. Anonymous7:44 PM

    How many man-hours have been wasted and how many dollars spent chasing down "govt secrets and cover ups"?
    Clearly there is something to this who phenomenon, yet time is wasted spinning tales and attending confrences.
    I'll bet the govt has trifle more understanding of it than we (interested public) do.
    Serpo, anyone?

  2. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Why, yes, thank you. I'll have the grilled Serpo right over here, please. Ah! With just the right touch of psyops Hollandaise sauce, and a twist of Lemon-Doty. Ummm! Serve it up hot! 8^}
    Who phenomenon? I did not know Dr. Seuss was involved in the conspiracy. Somehow, I'm not who, two whos...Horton hears a whufo. Just who do you think the cat in the hat really IS?
    Hey, seriously now folks. Serpo is the pure confabulatory hoax-meme of Doty and Collins, among others, such as Pandolfi, Green, Smith, and Puthoff. Twas ever thus. The self-appointed underwater aviary. A bunch of self-involved, lying, twistoids if there ever were a bunch. And there is. Emotionally disturbed remnants of the old Psychology Strategy Board, aka Lie, Cheat, and Steal, Inc.

    As such, "the govt" has more than a "trifle more understanding" than the public. Way the hell more. Not that this means tin-can spaceships and grey aliens are hopping around.
    Just depends on what elements of the gummint you are referring to, and what aspect of the phenomenon that may represent a "display" of non-human intelligence, here and now.

    Research, my friends, research and investigation are the path to truth. And the brains and soul of a counter-intelligence agent. Not a waste of time, imho.

  3. Anonymous1:37 AM

    - secrets are being kept -- many of them for reasons only marginally connected to the UFO enigma.-

    Mac I generally love your blog but how on Earth can you make that statement with any seriousness? Your statement assumes you know what those secrets are in order to dismiss them as "marginal".

    OF COURSE the "Government" knows about the UFO enigma. I mean how many FOI sequestered documents do you need? You seem to be ignoring some very real evidence. This massive body of documentation points to a compartmentalized system of research with largely an incomplete picture of the UFO issue. Although they might not have a clear picture of the situation they certainly know it is "real".

    It's the one thing I don't understand about you Mac. You maintain that uneasy middle of the road and seem terrified to get off the fence. You're clearly an intelligent guy, surely you've done enough research to know with some measure of certainty that there is active visitation either happening now or in our past.

    Why do you continue to discount the UFO issue with this noncommittal language? Afraid of being called a tin-foil hat wearing nutter?

    Just words Mac, just words.


  4. Interesting that people on both side probably want smart people like Mac to jump in and say they're right. Personally, I thin Mac takes a smart middle ground. I think at this point most of the people reading here with any kind of interest would say that there's something to the UFO enigma. Going from there, who's to say exactly what it is?

    I've gone back and forth on it quite a bit myself. I think it's ridiculous to assume that we're alone in the universe, and I assume that it's possible for other intelligences to visit us. Have they? Who's to say?

    Is the UFO phenomena something more terrestrial, aka, the CTH? It might be. Is it something altogether more strange and unexplained? It might be.

    I'd love to say that we know for certain what it is, but if you spend time digging into it, it's clear to me that while we each have our favorite theory, there's not a single one of us who knows for certain.

    I've written articles about the ETH, and I've written articles about a theoretical ancient, prehistorical, advanced human society. Is there anyone who can say that one of those, or a DMT/interdimensional/other being theory is definitively true? I seriously doubt it.

  5. Hi guys,

    Does the U.S. government know that UFOs are real? Certainly. I'll concede that without reservation. I'd even go so far as to suggest that the government knows that UFOs are not only real but intelligently controlled.

    Having said that, I'm not sure if any governmental body knows what UFOs ultimately are. One could even argue that the official secrecy that accompanies the UFO controversy has more than a little to do with the government's embarrassment at not knowing what it's dealing with.

  6. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Or, _how_ to deal with it.

    That may be the crux of it, that if some aspects of the ufo phenomenon do represent a form of intelligent non-human life, whether from here, there, or somewhere betwixt and between the common scenarios, and they can and do rove around at times through our skies without the USG being able to do anything at all about it, let alone understand the purpose or intent, then it could be considered the biggest national security issue, potential threat, and challenge to governmental and institutional control and authority ever encountered, and thus may _have_ to be kept a deep black secret until or unless they can get a better gauge of the security and cultural implications and possible effects on civilization, the economy, and nation-state priorities and assumed perogatives.

    Think of the alternative of the USG coming clean after more than 60 years and having to admit they really don't know what they are truly dealing with, have incomplete understanding and data, and don't know if such select ufo phenomena represent some subtle, long-term threat or devolutionary effects or not.

    There would be huge command and control problems, plus disruptive effects on humanity that, considering how volatile, dangerous, and self-destructive human history has shown us to be, the consequences of "premature disclosure" could be devastating, even leading to species co-dependence or extinction in the long term.

    Hell, we don't even know really what to do about global warming/dimming, among about a 1000+ other significant challenges to human sustainability--the alien/ufo issue could cause a kind of "tipping point" in our ability to transform and transmute ourselves over time to something more healthy and successful as an evolving (and soon to self-evolve) intelligent species. Think about it.

    Am I wrong with these suppositions? If so, do tell. I'm very interested in feedback on this issue.
