Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A friend who's been sight-seeing in New York recently happened across a most unusual figurine in a toy store. After dropping me an excited message on my answering machine, he emailed me this photo:

The carrot-colored apparition is none other than the "wrinkled robot" described by Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, who claimed to have been abducted by apparent alien creatures in Pascagoula, Mississippi in 1973. Needless to say, you don't see too many of these on toy shelves (although I once purchased a uniformed "Nordic" alien in a dollar-store).

Interestingly, Hickson and Parker's description isn't as rare as one might think given the media's obsession with the iconic bug-eyed "Gray" alien. I get the feeling robotic-seeming beings encountered near landed UFOs might be the alien equivalent to worker drones, an idea that enjoys a certain appeal in light of the explicitly insectile appearance of other alleged alien types.


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    "Interestingly, Hickson and Parker's description isn't as rare as one might think..."

    Any other examples even similar you can cite, Mac?

  2. Actually, the case that immediately sprang to mind was an abduction from a car. It's never been published and the "abductee" isn't exactly looking for attention.

  3. Anonymous1:20 AM


  4. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Only one other, undisclosed case?

    Any details about similarities vs. differences between the entities observed?

    I'd say only one other case, and without any details, still makes the Parker-Hickson entities exceedingly rare.

  5. Let's hope for a line of plush Hopkinsville Space Goblin toys to be next!

  6. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Hi there, I'm the guy who sent Mac the jPeg of the cute robot.

    I'm also an illustrator by trade. And, I gotta say, I was impressed with the overt "cuteness" of the toy. The designer did a nice job. It'd definitly the product of someone looking at the pascagoula drawing (see the link) and I recognized that imedietly!

    For $93, it can be yours.
